It is one of Thunderbolt Aerosystems' main directives to make
the ThunderPack available to the masses in a format that will use ubiquitous
fuels. This will enable its more un-restricted use for metropolitan
firemen, forest fire control forces, coast guards, Red Cross, border
patrol, high-risk rescues and for any natural disaster extreme transportation
A Media Promotion Tool
Marketing and promotion experts are constantly tasked with
finding a way to get attention. This job has continually gotten more
dificult as more companies compete for attention of customers, partners,
press and other audiences - the same old gags don't work anymore and
response is hard to measure. You will be undoubtedly the topic of
discussion after a rocket-powered human helps carry your message through
the air.

Press Release: January 24, 2008 - Thunderbolt Aerosystems
Inc. today announced the release of its THUNDERPACK, 